Bowed Psaltery & Folk Music

How to have an old-fashioned Independence Day

Watch this video: Celebrating the 4th of July with a bowed psaltery.


Although they had their history wrong on the bowed psaltery, it still sounded like it belonged in this setting.

Morris Dulcimer & Folk Music Festival

A friend and I had a booth at the Morris folk music festival.

It was a great weekend of music and we introduced a lot of folks to the bowed psaltery who had never heard of it before. After seeing for themselves how easy this instrument is to play, many bought instruments and books.

For more info, visit my other site,

Create some Passion

The author of a blog post I recently read said he's started many blogs. The ones he's kept going for years have been where he was passionate to learn about the subject.

This makes so much sense. If you have a project that keeps you enthralled, you can't wait to get back to it.

The how-to book I'm writing is very much a passion for me. I spent a lot of time discovering information when I was teaching myself to play the Bowed Psaltery. I dug deep into the Internet because I just had to know as much about it as I could find.

Then when I decided to write the how-to book, it practically wrote itself because it was a continuation of that same passion.

The book is almost finished. I'm so excited to be able to share it. Just a little bit longer....

What Does A Bowed Psaltery Sound Like?

I wanted to share this video of beautiful music being played on the Bowed Psaltery.

The man in the overalls is Rick Long. He has been playing Bowed Psaltery for a lot of years. His mastery of the instrument is something I aspire to.

He also makes Bowed Psalteries, Ringing Strings. I have seen and heard his instruments. I've also had the opportunity to play one of Rick Long's Bowed Psalteries. I can tell you that he is a master instrument maker as well as a fine musician.



Rick Long, Terry Butler and Donna Switzer playing bowed psalteries at the Cumberland Gap National Park Visitor Center - May 2011

Terry and Donna have only recently started playing the Bowed Psaltery. They both play very beautifully.

If you'd like to hear more bowed psaltery music, visit the forums at Psaltery Strings.


How Can I Learn to Play Music?

Should I learn to play the guitar?
Should I learn to play the piano?
As an adult,what is the best instrument to learn to play music?

You could play the guitar or the piano. They are often chosen as a first instrument to learn to play. Both are instruments that are easy to find instructors or classes to teach you. (Read that as lots of money for lessons.) And both take quite a while to acquire the skills to play.

You could play the piano but you need to learn to read two sets of musical notes, one for the left hand and one for the right. Then you have to coordinate reading those lines and moving two hands in different directions! Wow! That'll take a while to learn!

You could play the guitar but is it any easier? Well, you don't have to read notes but the guitar has its own challenges. First, you need to know what fingers to press down on which strings to form a chord. You have to really press down hard to get the chord to sound right. Ouch! Eventually you'll develop calluses so that won't hurt. But that will takes weeks or months if you don't play often enough. The other thing about playing chords on a guitar is that you had better be comfortable singing along as you play. If you strum the chords on a guitar, it makes a nice accompaniment but few people will be able to know what tune you're playing unless you sing along.

So, if the piano and the guitar are not the easiest instrument for an adult beginner to start on, what is?

The Bowed Psaltery!

Three Reasons Why the Bowed Psaltery is the Easiest Beginner Instrument to Play.

  1. You only need to read one line of music and only move one hand.
  2. You don't need to hold down any strings, so no sore fingers or waiting for calluses.
  3. You don't have to sing along if you don't want to. On the bowed psaltery, you play the melody so everyone can tell what song it is. With a few hours of practice on the bowed psaltery, you can be playing a few simple songs. And in a few days you can be playing "Yesterday" by The Beatles.

The bowed psaltery is not just for folk music and hymns, you can play most any music you've a mind to learn.

The best part is that you can teach yourself and skip the cost of weekly lessons!

Get on my mailing list so you can be one of the first to know when my new book is released next month. Click here to get on my mailing list.

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Top 5 Reasons to Learn an Instrument

1. Provides A Feeling of Accomplishment (Overcoming A Fear of Failure)

As adults, we often do not take on new challenges because of the fear of failure. Learning a simple instrument, like the Bowed Psaltery, can make success so much easier. If you've ever hear a beautiful song that made you wish that you played an instrument, don't let the fear of failing keep you from enjoying the accomplishment of playing. 

2. Offers A Challenge

Learning to decipher the notes on the sheet music and make the instrument play that note, sounds like a huge challenge. But with a simple instrument, like the Bowed Psaltery, you can be playing well in weeks rather than years.

 3. Keeps your Mind Active

Playing music engages the whole brain. You have to read the notes, count the rhythm, and play the note. So many areas of the brain are stimulated in the act of playing a tune on an instrument. And although this sounds like a lot to do at once, it is amazing how easily your brain can adapt to doing this. Try to remember the first time you got behind the wheel of a car. Driving required you to do so many more things at once and you accomplished that!

4. Gives the Gift of A Lasting Pleasure

Once you learn how to play an instrument, that is a skill you keep. You may stop playing for a month or a few years. But within a short time, you can be back to playing again. Because although you may get rusty, rust brushes off. The hard steel of the learned skill is still under that rust.

5. Makes you A Role Model for Others

Show your kids or grandkids that it's never too late to learn to do something you enjoy. Let them see that some things take work, that not everything has instant gratification. And that work can make the accomplishment that much sweeter.

I'd love to hear what you think. Send me an email by clicking here.

Music with a Royal Wedding theme

 With photos of the Royal Wedding still finding their way onto the front pages of many newspapers, is it any wonder that my musical thoughts travel to England? When I think of English music, I think of Greensleeves.

Greensleeves sounds so beautiful on the Bowed Psaltery. It has a nice, easy-flowing sound that just floats across a room.

It's a great tune for beginners to learn. This song has a melody that most people know. When you learn a song that you already know, you find yourself only having to think about which note to play. You don't have to think about counting or how long to hold a particular note. You just know because you're singing along. This makes learning to play a new tune like Greensleeves even easier.

That is why Greensleeves is one of the tunes you will find in my new book, Playing the Bowed Psaltery – a Step by Step Beginner's Guide.

If you enjoyed watching the Royal Wedding, learn to play this tune on a Bowed Psaltery. Then the next time there's a big, happy Royal event, you'll be able to celebrate by playing an old English folk tune!

So what's in this book?

Have you been wondering what will be in this book?

I just added a list of information on the HOME  page of what will be covered in this book for the beginner.

  • Why Rosin a Bow?
  • Holding the Bow
  • Holding the Instrument
  • Playing a String or How to Make it Stop Squealing
  • Types of Bows
  • Tuning a Bowed Psaltery
  • Left-Handed Players
  • Marking Your Strings
  • Counting the Music or How to Fake Reading It
  • Playing By Ear
  • Playing Harmony or Accompanying a Singer
  • Do I have to Play Special Music?
  • Tunes to Get You Started

Free Tuning Article now available online

I created a free article on tuning a Bowed Psaltery from some of the pages of my book.

I've just made that free article available online. Click here.

Gebhard Woods Dulcimer & Traditional Music Festival

It looks like I'll be joining my friend Donna at Gebhard Woods Dulcimer & Traditional Music Festival June 11-12 in Morris IL. This will be a great opportunity to preview my Bowed Psaltery book. So it looks like my deadline to finish the book just got moved up!

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